Printing a House with 3D Concrete Printer Don't Be Afraid

Passing Code and Analyzing Printing Costs

By Mudbots ● Nov 04, 2020 ● Duration: 00:20:50 ● 21

The two biggest questions we are getting: does it pass code and how much does it cost? In this video, we go over the topics of passing code and analyzing printing costs to eliminate any doubt that MudBots is the #1 solution in the affordable housing crisis. TRAINING is now 5 weeks in Utah and 4 weeks once returning home.

Terracon, strength test, testing, 28-day report, ICF, CMU, mortar branding, cost per cubic inch is $0.005 for 2400 psi, rebar, internal mortar support, code, labor cost, consistency, what do we look for?, 3dcp

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